Peru: the sky of the Incas


Coming by bus from La Paz, we stopped around Lake Titicaca, one of the natural wonders of this region (imagine a lake so big that you can’t see the other side at 3.800 m / 12.467 ft of altitude), then on to Machu Picchu (a dream come true!), then on to Cuzco, Arequipa and finally to the Pacific Coast with it’s marvellous marine reserve of Islas Ballestas and last but not least the mystery of the Nazca Lines.

Although these are among the most visited  places in the world, they still retain some mystery even when you’re packed in a train with hundreds of Gringos like you. Going from Aguas Calientes (the last village on the train trail) to Machu Picchu, we were wondering if we would be disappointed by this place we had seen so many times in pictures  and documentaries. But as soon as we made the last steps of the trail and looked down to the lost city, our heart missed a beat or two. Machu Picchu site is unbelievable as if it was painted by Magritte: the horse-shoe shaped valley is divided right in the meddle by the tall peak overlooking the city. The far distant mountain on the back are always covered in mist, and everything around is green. Be sure to come up here at dawn, otherwise the many, many tourists will disturb your contemplation..

Then there’s Cuzco, the former capital of the Inca Empire, now the biggest tourists destination but still enjoyable , and Arequipa which lies under the mighty volcano El MIsti , with it’s Cathedral and the Monastery (which is a photographer’s paradise due to the shades of red and blue of its walls).

Finally, coming north from Arequipa, through Colca Canyon and a two day stop in Nazca to fly over the ever mysterious Lines in the desert , we’ve stopped in Ballestas, Ica and Pisco (which were sadly hit by a devastating earthquake recently) , then on to Lima again.

Peru is a myth, and won’t let you disappointed , especially if you try to avoid the crowd visiting in the winter season (June to September).




mappa del Perù

18 agosto 2002 – Copacabana – Lago Titicaca – Puno – Isole degli Uros – Cuzco

19 agosto 2002 – Cuzco – Ollantaytambo – Agua Caliente con bus e treno

20 agosto 2002 – da Aguas Calientes a Machu Pichu – ritorno a Cuzco in treno – in giro per Cuzco – Saxahuayman

21 agosto 2002 – da Cuzco a Arequipa in aereo – in giro per Arequipa

22 agosto 2002 – da Arequipa a Chivay – Canon del Colca in bus

23 agosto 2002 – Canon del Colca – ritorno ad Arequipa in bus

24 agosto 2002 – in giro per Arequipa – Monastero di Santa Catalina – partenza di notte per Nazca in bus

25 agosto 2002 – Nazca – tour aereo sulle linee di Nazca – in giro per Nazca

26 agosto 2002 – da Nazca a Pisco in bus

27 agosto 2002 – Riserva Nazionale di Paracas  – Isole Ballestas in barca

28 agosto 2002 – da Pisco a Ica in bus – in giro per Ica – dune di sabbia

29 agosto 2002 – da Ica a Lima in bus

30 agosto 2002 – in giro per Lima – volo notturno per l’Italia via Caracas