The Costa Concordia forever inactive webcam
- 114.500 tons and 1.500 cabins
- Electric power generated enough for a city of 50.000 people
- 5 restaurants, 13 bars, 5 Jacuzzis and 4 pools
- 1 three stories high theater 1 dance floor
- the tek coating is enough to cover two soccer field,
Fuel consumption: 12 Tons per hour
With all the due respect for the people who lost their lives in this tragedy, and for the workers at Fincantieri who built the Costa Concordia, i still wonder why 4000 people are willing to get on board of this kind of “monster” to spend a week or two in the quite normal Tirreno Sea (in winter) getting in line, playing stupid games or quizzes, dance classes, aerobycs and so forth:
– Self service restaurants (haven’t you had enough of it?)
– Stores and promotions (Stores? You have them right in your neighborhood, haven’t you?)
– Every service either fee-paying or in turn
Schedules, shifts, lines… everything as in everyday life.
4000 people (a small city) in a close space as big as a shopping center
These people are not insterested in seeing the world, or find something new. All they want is to act like a VIP for a week or two waving their hand to those ashore, and then get back to everyday life, to work, for another year…
And if an excursion is cancelled because there are people on the land dying under the bombs this is their comment:
The kitchen is ok, the ship is very clean, excursions are expensive but beautiful (unfortunately the stop in Tunisia got cancelled because of Gaddafi war ). Oh well, we’ve been to La Valletta instead (cit. a passenger)
No alarms and no surprises
Silent, silent
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